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Relationship WIN: Does It Need to End? (Part 5)

Does It Need to End? (Study Guide by Michael Todd)
- Put a ring on it or call it quits. 
- Can we be honest? How many of us have wasted time in relationships before? The answer is practically all of us. We have spent a lot of unnecessary time in relationships that will not benefit us in the end. 
- Dating > God is always a dangerous equation because we are left with feelings as our guide as opposed to getting direction and wisdom from God. 
- Some relationships may be more liabilities than assets. 
- You might have people in your life who are always negative, people who are always creating drama, people who tell you the truth, but it always has a bend toward what is wrong in life. They are sucking and they are taking making it harder for you to be who you were made to be. 
- It is God’s plan that the relationships in our lives are supposed to be helping us and moving us toward fulfillment. You cannot win in relationship if the person close to you is blocking your progress. 
- Are they adding value to you, or are they taking real value away from you? 
- What you place your faith in is more important than how much faith you have. 
- Every relationship that is not moving you toward purpose is weighing you down. 

1. When You Realize That You Started It and God Did Not.
- Instead of waiting for God to bring us the right person at the right time, we are so ready to have love that we go trying to fit somebody who is not right into the picture. 
- You cannot jump-start God’s timing to do what He is going to do. All you can do is obey Him patiently. 
- When we do not wait on the Lord, we give the Enemy the chance to introduce us to counterfeits. Then we deal with the results of mistakes and have to get healed and delivered from something God never meant for us to experience. 
- If you are dating somebody, my question is, Are you starting this relationship just because you are impatient to be with somebody? Or do you have a real sense that God wants you to bring this person into your life as part of His plan for you? If you started the relationship, not God, strip off the weight!

2. When the Relationship is Picking On Your Promise
- If you have been dating or engaged to somebody who would not let you be all that God wants, you got to let her go. God gave you promises for a reason. He wants you to have them. 
- Is this relationship pushing me away from God or toward Him? 
Three Qualities of a Good Breakup
1. End it Quickly
- There will never be a right time. I am telling you, if you need to end it, end it fast. 
2. End it Kindly
- If the character of God is developing in you, then you should end a bad relationship generously. 
- If it is possible. As far as it depends on you. 
- If you can be a blessing on the way out, do it.
3. End it Cleanly
- You are ending a relationship because it is robbing your promise and blocking your purpose. Do not go and be passive about this. You can be kind and still say clearly, “It is over. This is it. You have got to go.” 
- He will bless you and bless the other person. 
- When you know you need to end a relationship, you have got to trust God with it. Trust Him that you are going to be all right and the other person is going to be all right. He will help both of you get over the heartache. And the only way either of you can proceed to your purposes in life is if this relationship comes to an end.
- When you know God did not start the relationship or if it is picking on your promise, remember this about breaking up: everybody gets blessed. And if that is not enough, let me tell you: breaking up is easy to do compared to the alternative – living with the consequences of sticking it out in a relationship you should have not even be in.

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