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Relationship WIN: Surrender Your Sexuality (Part 6)

Surrender Your Sexuality (Study Guide by Michael Todd)
- Sex was never meant as a leisure pastime for single people; it is a pleasure and purpose connection for married couples. 
- “Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So, use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.” Romans 6:13
- Your Creator gave your body to you, give it back to Him. 
- Surrender your sexuality to God. 
- It is not about what others think. It is not even about what you think. Get yourself to the point where you can surrender your sexuality to God. Because if you trust Him, He will show you the truth about sex and help you “use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.” And that is a beautiful thing.
- The Enemy’s trick is to arouse a secretive sexual lifestyle at a young age, because then it is hidden, and bad things can go behind the scenes that we get a thrill from. 
- The Enemy wants you to think sex has to be sneaky and transgressive, but the truth is, sex is good! Sex is God’s idea. It is a gift from Him to us. We have to redeem and reclaim this idea of sex.
- God made us to enjoy sex if we do it in the right context. 
- What does it look like when we are having sex outside marriage? It looks like destruction. It can get into areas of our lives we never thought it could get into, weakening things or leaving a smelly residue. 
- Sex is not an abomination. Sex is amazing. But God put it in a container that is supposed to control it so it can give Him glory. When it is outside of the container, it become disruptive and creates death rather than life. Spiritual death, emotional death, even death to our confidence and self-worth – not to mention missed opportunities, wasted time, and obsessive behavior. What is the sex container? The covenant of marriage
- Sex is intended for covenantal marriage, not for playing around.
- “Sexual freedom” is not free at all. It is actually slavery to sex. It is not a casual good; it is a serious harm.
- With sexual impurity comes deception. With sexual impurity comes manipulation. Sexual sin brings unbelief. It brings the whole party to your house. That is why the Enemy would love you for you to keep secrets in those areas, because it invites in other things that you do not have the power to keep out. 
- There is no separating the sexual and the spiritual. We should be surrendering ourselves to Him, who made our bodies for Himself. 
- You cannot be in sexual impurity and not be affected by it. God does not want you enslaved to sin; He wants you surrendered to His goodness. 
- If you surrender to God, you can trust Him with your heart, your present, and your whole relational future. 
- In your sexual life, if you are not surrendered to God, there is not a lot of hope when you have problems and issues and urges you cannot control. Your own wisdom and willpower only go so far. And if your sexual immorality has grown so strong that you are actually under the control of sex – you are a slave – then, frankly, you are doomed. 
- If you are surrendered to God and He owns you, then He can come in and manage the problem. 
- Does your sexuality own you? Or does God own you? 
- There is nothing too big for our God to bring under the subjugation of His power. But He is not going to take it from you. You have to give it to Him.

Term of Surrender
Brain: Ask God to help you capture your own rebellious thoughts and fill your mind with pure and honorable thoughts.
Eyes: Tell Him you need His help to stop ogling or to stop bringing up bad websites. He will help you establish a covenant with your eyes.
Ears: Ask God if you need to delete some songs from your music app and change your listening habits. Maybe it would help to fill your mind with hymns and spiritual songs.
Mouth: Ask Him to help you change your speech so that you say nothing that leads you or anyone else to destruction.
Thumbs and Fingers: Ask Him if you need to take a season off Instagram and Facebook until you can form better habits.

- Surrender unconditionally. You would not be sorry. 

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